Review: I Can't Help But Feel by Surfaces

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


“Feeling blessed, never stressed” were the lyrics ricocheting across Tik Tok this time last year. And now, the Texas pop duo return with their vibey new record I Can’t Help But Feel.
Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when a song’s catchy hook worms its way into every fibre of your being, but Surfaces have always had that aspect nailed. Simplistic lyrics lend themselves to tracks like these, permeating your mind more and more with every listen. I Can’t Help But Feel will have you caught in an intoxicating trance. 
The record houses that summer feel we’re all yearning for here in the Northern Hemisphere. Easily comparable to artists including Tame Impala and Tai Verdes, Surfaces possess an unwavering ability to make you wind down the windows and blast this one loud. 
The single takes a slightly different approach to that of their previous works such as Pacifico, released last year, and their critically acclaimed 2019 EP Where The Light Is. “’I Can’t Help But Feel’ is a new sound for us, both sonically and formulaically,” say the duo. “Instead of
playing around on a computer in our home studio, this song came to us after a live jam during soundcheck on tour. Once the chords started playing and the band began grooving, we headed straight to our green room and recorded it in the moments leading up to our show that night.” 
Bolstered by the new direction found through I Can’t Help But Feel, Forrest and Colin took themselves over to Joshua Tree to work on more music for their upcoming album. “It feels like the music we were always supposed to make.” Promising things to come from the producer come performers then.
I Can’t Help But Feel is out now via 10k Projects

*This article was first published on COLOURVISION in April 2022*

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